Monday, September 10, 2012

180 Kansas City Fiberhoods Register for Google Fiber

Google Fiber, Google‘s project which aims to blanket Kansas City with ultra-fast optical net access, has so far been a success, with 180 “fiberhoods” successfully registering for the service.
The project had started on July 26, giving households in Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., weeks to apply for the service. In that time frame, 202 fiberhoods have applied and at least 180 have qualified for Google Fiber.
In a blog post, Google wrote it is “amazed and humbled” by the response, and plans to share the final list of fiberhoods who have qualified for Google Fiber on Thursday, Sept. 13.
Selected households will be able to select from three subscription packages — free internet will cost 0$ per month, but users will have to pay a one time $300 construction fee, with the ability to stretch that payment into twelve $25 monthly installments. The Gigabit Internet package will cost $70 per month (with no construction fee), and the Gigabit Internet + TV will cost $120 per month. Google claims the service runs about 100 times faster than the average broadband speed in the U.S.
All three plans come without a data cap and with a free network box. The $70 package additionally includes 1TB of Google Drive cloud storage, while the $120 package includes 2TB of Google Drive storage, a TV box, a storage box and a Nexus 7 tablet.
For those fiberhoods that didn’t qualify for the service, Google promises to include them in a future rally “sometime next year.”

Read: Mashable

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