I spend a lot of time complaining about the bad lessons you can draw from blog metrics. Things like: You should write about Apple all the time, and never cover startups because the former is what drives traffic.
If you look at metrics too closely, you start to chase readers instead
of lead. And that gives us, well, nothing but a world of lists and
slideshows. So I only watch our per-story metrics through one
half-squinted eye.
But sometimes a story pops so much, drives traffic so
disproportionate for our overall size and does it for so long that it
can only tell us, we’ve hit on a major point of angst in the ecosystem.
And oddly enough, for us, it usually doesn’t have to do with Apple. A
post I wrote about the major changes happening in many levels in the
payment ecosystem did that. It was called, harshly enough, “Exactly How Screwed Is PayPal? (Hint: Very).” It
was not only one of the highest trafficked stories in our history: The
vast majority of the traffic came from what ChartBeat calls emails, IMs
and apps– a catch-all bucket that includes ways that individuals pass
stories around to one another. It’s an anti-Huffington Post bounce.
In the weeks since doing that story, I’ve heard anecdotes of it being
discussed at the board level at eBay and individual developers saying
their friends sent it to them multiple times. That tells me two things.
The first is that even if it’s a “vocal minority” that’s unhappy with
PayPal, it’s a vocal minority that matters: The developers who control
what payment system gets installed, or in some cases, uninstalled. The
second is that the senior brain trust of eBay is taking this shit
We’re not alone in noticing this. AllThingsD’s Tricia Duryee writes about PayPal’s new president David Marcus responding
in angry comment threads on Hacker News– pretty much developer
zeitgeist central. The whole thing started when a small business owner
named Elliot Jay Stocks wrote a post called “Good riddance, PayPal,” that was picked up on Hacker News and started a feeding frenzy of negative comments about the service.
Stocks’ reason for switching was a mistake that caused funds in his
account to be frozen– a common problem with PayPal’s automated
fraud-detection system that competitive upstart Braintree expressly uses to market its human-touch customer service. Meanwhile, PayPal mafia-funded Stripe is aggressively going after developers, with it’s extreme ease of use and instant underwriting capability.
In his comments on Hacker News, Marcus was surprisingly frank,
acknowledging how “hated” PayPal is in the developer ecosystem and
pledging to “make this company GREAT again.” He said: “This WILL change,
and we won’t rest until you all see it. The first installments are due
very soon. So stay tuned…”
As I’ve said before, I don’t have a lot of optimism that PayPal can
solve this problem. It’s just neglected innovation for too long. As Elon
Musk told us, the plan PayPal has now is less aggressive than the done
he wrote back in 2000.
Marcus says there’s a cultural change underway, and that they
acknowledge when they “suck” now. That may be, but fixing it is another
matter. PayPal has the benefit of a massive installed base that will
take these upstarts a long time to chip away at. But with that sort of
cushion comes complacency and an innovator’s dilemma.
But give Marcus credit for one thing: Admitting there’s a problem. Will a potential acquisition be the solution?
Read: pandodaily
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