Monday, September 3, 2012

Ten Great Resources for Internet Marketing Beginners

Ten Great Resources for Internet Marketing Beginners
Are you just getting started with internet marketing? You’re probably overwhelmed with terminology, strategies, and people who claim to be experts!
Don’t be too quick to believe any outrageous income numbers, and start with some websites known for providing reliable information or free access to tools you will need. Here are ten good resources to start with.

1. The Warrior Forum :
This is one of the top internet marketing forums online, with over half a million members and five million posts. There is goldmine of information available here. If you’re ever confused about what a term means, use the forum search and find out. Just don’t get distracted by the wealth of information available.

2. Earn1KaDay Reports :
This free resource comes from another internet marketing forum. If you just want to learn some quick methods from a reliable source, there lots of useful and sensible information – not hype – in this bundle of free downloadable reports. You also won’t be spammed for entering your email address here.

3. MailChimp :
Now that you have a strategy for success, do you need a free mailing list provider to send newsletters? This is one good option that will give you a free trial for up to 2,000 subscribers. You only have to pay once you exceed that number, or if you want extra features.

4. Google Keyword Tool :
If your strategy relies on getting websites ranked for certain keywords, this site gives you statistics on how many people search for the keyword every month. You can check the competition easily here. There are paid options, but this is a perfect starting place for newbies.

5. Blogger by Google :
Do you need to create a blog? If you’re just learning to make websites, Blogger is a great free practice ground. You can place ads on the site through the built-in Monetize tab. Once your business starts to take off, pay for a domain name and hosting.

6. Noob Guide to Online Marketing :
This easy infographic provides some information at a glance about how you should start your online marketing efforts. Hopefully, you’ve been using the resources above to form a solid marketing strategy, and this can supplement it.

7. Gimp (for graphic editing) :
If you need to design graphics for your website or marketing efforts, don’t spend thousands on unnecessary software. This program works like Photoshop, but it’s totally free. There are a lot of Gimp tutorials available online, and many Photoshop tutorials are easy to follow with Gimp, too.

8. Open Office :
If you need to write documents or create .pdf documents, this is the best free way to do it. You can easily save documents in .doc format for compatibility with Microsoft Word users, or you can export them to .pdfs. This is one of the most stable ways to send documents, as .doc formats can easily become scrambled, but .pdf documents are relatively fixed.

9. Audacity :
Are you trying to create audio presentations or .mp3 files? This is one of the best ways to do it. You can easily record and edit audio using this program, and anyone who is selling or editing .mp3 files should have it. It’s a free solution and well-supported, with lots of tutorials available online.

10. Open Source Web Design :
If you’re getting into designing your own websites, you can’t go without this website. It provides free website templates and also provides hints on nifty software applications. It will save you a lot of money on every website until you want to pay for a design.
Hit the ground running when it comes to online marketing with these top ten resources. Once you have familiarized yourself with all of these resources, you will have equipped yourself to sniff out the scams, and you will be much better-prepared to attack your online business with the passion you need to succeed!

Source: techflexion

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