Reaching more followers on Facebook seems like it should be very
straightforward; the larger your following, the greater the audience.
However, what many brands may not realize is that a large percentage of
your followers may never see the majority of your posts.
Facebook uses an algorithm called EdgeRank to determine who sees what
content. Though the specifics are secret, we do know that the company
bases its formula on three factors: Affinity, or the strength of the
relationship between poster and viewer; Weight, or the value of the
post; and Time Decay, or the post’s freshness.
Here's how to bolster your EdgeRank:
1. Vary your content
One of the great things about Facebook posts is that you aren’t
limited to text-only content. Varying your content to include images and
videos can be an excellent way to increase engagement, because it
promotes interaction, thus increasing Affinity. Multimedia content is
more likely to show up in the news feeds of your followers, and Facebook
seems to give extra Weight to it.
2. Provide great content
In social-media marketing, content is king. Well-crafted, compelling,
and interesting content attracts readers and increases engagement. If
your followers don’t care about the topics in your posts, they are less
likely to pay attention, hit that “like” button, comment, or share.
Regardless of the medium, your content should provide value to your
readers. When they appreciate and respond to it, your Affinity will
3. Encourage engagement with CTAs
Hopefully, you already create your Facebook content with the goal of
encouraging engagement and interactivity. However, a well-crafted call
to action (CTA) can give your followers the push they need to move from
enjoying a post to adding a comment, sharing it with friends, or simply
pushing the “Like” button. Don’t be afraid to directly ask your
followers to do those things. The more a follower engages with your
content, the higher their Affinity with your brand will be.
4. Post regularly
Because Facebook includes Time Decay in its EdgeRank algorithm, even
your greatest, most engaging posts will lose their impact over time.
Provide new content on a regular basis; otherwise, you risk your content
dropping off your followers’ walls before they have the opportunity to
read and interact. How often you should post on Facebook will depend on
your brand and followers; you may want to start with posting once per
day and adjusting as necessary. Monitor your Insights and other data to
determine which frequency results in the most engagement, and keep in
mind that posting too often may annoy and drive away followers.
Read: bizjournals
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