Monday, September 3, 2012

8 Tips for Superior Instagram Photos

  8 Tips for Superior Instagram Photos
Instagram has gained popularity due to its accessibility and sheer ease of use. With just a few swipes and clicks on your smart phone a quality image is produced.  The problem is that a lot of Instagram photos are taken without any thought or real creativity.
There are those however who snap extraordinarily beautiful photos that can leave your jaw on the floor every single time. What does it require to snap such breathtaking photos through Instagram?

Here we try to explain in 8 simple steps :

Tip #1: Importance of symmetry :

This entire premise revolves around perfecting your shot. Learn to become square with the item you are taking a picture of. Sometimes, the simplicity of a symmetrical and properly aligned photo can go a long way in bringing out the beauty. Keep those lines straight and the results will begin to illuminate.
Tip #2: Learn to visualize differently :
What does this mean? Well, sometimes it is best not to take things at face value. A photo is a ‘snapshot’ of a movement or object, it is not forever moving. This means that snapshot ends up being an unrealistic representative of that particular thing. This can easily be rectified through taking multiple photos of the same movement or object. Attempt to see the intricacies of the entire situation. Will differences in the background illuminate the photo? Will the object/movement a few seconds later result in something different and better? These questions have to be taken into serious consideration.
Tip#3: Please the eye :

The human eye sees photos in a unique way. There are specific lines and patterns that engage the eye more than others. Those straight lines will often bring about praise for a photo’s quality. Always aim to engage the ‘rule of thirds’ when snapping those Instagram photos. A photo frequently looks better when everything is proportioned and neat.
Tip #4: Glamorous self-portraits :

Instagram can often become about taking photos of others. This is not entirely bad, but sometimes it is best to mix things up. Attempt to take self-portrait shots and highlight yourself in a more artistic manner. The finest emotions come from these photos as the photographer is the object of the photo. Using the 30 second timer that accompanies Instagram, you can effortlessly take exquisite self-portraits. There are some individuals who are known to use an item called the ‘Gorillapod’. This is an item that enables the photographer to attach their camera to a tree, ledge or pretty much anything.
Tip #5: Keep focus on the lens :

This is simply the idea of changing angles for the lens and incorporating new settings. Sometimes, subtle changes can go a long way in making a picture look superior. Try getting into unique positions as a cameraman in order to get the perfect photo. Keeping things mixed up helps ensure the final photos are of exceptional quality and receive praise. Of course, the idea is not to hurt yourself while taking the photos, but learning to incorporate new positions. Dependent upon the object being Instagrammed, all sorts of different angles can crop up.
Tip #6: Adjust colour and lighting :

These are simple touches that can be the icing on your proverbial cake. Underexposing shots is a tactic employed by photographers as a method to incorporate wider dimensions. A photo can often lack substance if not underexposed. The iPhone is easy to manage when it comes to ‘underexposing’ a photo. All that is required is a simple tap and hold on the brightest part of the frame. This movement locks the focus and exposure on that particular setting.
Tip #7: Photography can be good exercise :

Need to put in a bit of cardio work into your fitness routine? How about going on an invigorating ‘photo walk’ through your neighbourhood or local area? These walks are without any real intentions other than to take as many quality photos as possible. These photos can be taken of the most random objects out in the world. It is just about engaging your mind and opening your views on what photography is all about. The best photos tend to creep up on you in the most unexpected manner.
Tip #8: No such thing as ‘too many shots’ :

Learn to accept this as a fact; you can never have too many photos. Take as many pictures as desired, since the bad ones will be disposed of anyway. In the olden days, saving the camera reel was important and wasting precious space was forbidden. With the advances in technology, as long as there is battery in your phone, keep taking those photos.
These tips, if followed correctly will go a long way in improving one’s Instagramming abilities. Those average looking photos will turn into more sparkling ones. All it requires is a bit of research on what makes photos look good. It is not hard, if you put your mind to it.

Source: techflexion

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