Monday, September 3, 2012

Advantages Of Pay Per Click And Google Adwords Campaigns

  Advantages Of Pay Per Click And Google Adwords Campaigns
Advertisements are the main source of revenue for website owners and bloggers. Ads can broadly be classified into two types – text based ads and media based ads. Since the internet is accessed by billions of people around the word, businesses
saw the potential to market the products online.
Initially, companies paid site owners to display a banner on their website, these banners were static and when a person visits that particular site, there was a very high probability that the ad will be notices. Although these types of static ads are still in use today, advertising on the internet has undergone tremendous changes that benefit both the advertiser and the users alike.
Marketing strategies know as pay per click or PPC was introduced in the year 1998. In this model, companies initially pay an amount to display an advertisement. Ads are placed all on various websites and every time someone clicks on the ad, the website owner gets paid. Pay per click differs from the traditional advertising model where advertisers have to ‘pay per impression’.
Google AdWord is Google’s advertising product based on the pay per click model, it is also the main source of revenue for the company. The search engine keeps track of users’ search habits, the websites they visit and such and with these, a complete profile about users’ online activity is generated. Someone who has be searching for ‘futures & options’, might happen to see finance or ads related to stocks. When you google ‘batman comics’, the keywords are taken into account and ads that are related to stores that sell comic book or Batman action figures are listed. If you click on the advertisement, the advertiser pays Google and Google pays the owner of the website where the ad was listed.
If you are an advertiser, you have the option to choose the keyword under which you want your ad to be listed. You can also list or block ads by language, country, IP range, age group etc. If you own a blog or a website, allowing Google to display ads on your webspace is easy. The service is called Google AdSense, by subscribing, as a website owner, you allow Google to display ads. You have no control over what ads be displayed and it’s entirely up to Google.
Although there have been instances where and hackers have tried and successfully cheated Google’s system to generate revenue, it is generally detected and the sites are penalized. Google AdWords is also the main source of revenue for the company. Here are few advantages of the Google AdWord campaign

Everything is automated and you don’t have to approach advertisers

  • You don’t have to design or format the ad layouts
  • By subscribing for Google AdSense, you got nothing to lose. You own a website and you subscribe to AdSense for free and if people click on the ads you get paid – simple.
  • Since AdWords are user specific, you are bound to generate more money than static advertisements.
  • Because of the revenue generated by website owners through ads is high, a majority of them have chosen to be full time web masters – there is a lot of potential.
In short, the AdWords campaign is a win-win situation, for website owners/bloggers, Google and advertisers alike!

Source: techflexion

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